Common domestic garbage, slaughtering garbage, and special garbage from hospitals and other units are harmlessly treated in the garbage incinerator. The residual ash generated during the incineration process accounts for about 5% of the weight of the biological garbage before incineration, and is generally high-quality phosphate fertilizer. In recent years, my country has paid more and more attention to waste incineration power generation technology to generate renewable energy. Next, the editor will tell you about the advantages of waste incinerators.
Advantages of incinerator for harmless treatment of garbage:
The incineration method is a method in which the garbage is placed in a high-temperature furnace to fully oxidize the combustible components, and the heat generated is used for power generation and heating. When burning garbage, the garbage with a humidity of 7% can be turned into dry solids for incineration, with an incineration efficiency of over 95%. At the same time, the high temperature on the surface of the incinerator can convert heat energy into steam, which can be used for heating, air conditioning equipment and steam turbines power generation etc.
The advantage of incineration treatment is that the reduction effect is good (the volume of the residue after incineration is reduced by more than 90%, and the weight is reduced by more than 80%), and the treatment is thorough. However, according to reports in the United States, the construction and production costs of incineration plants are extremely expensive. In most cases, the value of electricity generated by these equipment is far lower than the expected sales, leaving huge economic losses for the local government. Since the garbage contains certain metals, incineration is highly toxic and creates secondary environmental hazards. Incineration requires that the calorific value of the garbage is greater than 3.35MJ/kg, otherwise, a combustion accelerant must be added, which will increase the operating cost to an unbearable level for ordinary cities.